I have succumbed. I have become what I had grown to loathe. And, I don't precisely believe that anyone has more right to do anything than anyone else, but when perfectly anonymous people decide that their stream of consciousness, in a similar vein to one "facebook status" after another, is worth more than a half-chewed peanut to anybody, I wonder if social media has not bred a society of self-indulgent, self-important narcissists.
But, I digress. I am now one of the above. I am disappointed that Nobel Prize winner Barack himself has abandoned his social media trial blazing, albeit for world peace. The people who place themselves within the public sphere at least have the autonomy to encourage or discourage the dissection of their lives and thoughts by tweeting or not tweeting. I could understand why the public would be interested in the activities and whereabouts of the "famous", but who cares about joe blogs?
My bandwagon jumping took place directly as a consequence of a media conference at The National Media Museum in Bradford; Mediafest09. The theme of this years conference centered around Women In The Media, the subject of which I based my dissertation on. During the day there was a vague air of feminist anger, which a couple of the otherwise inspiringly successful speakers verbally acknowledged in order to keep in check.
Generally it was a celebration of the successes of women in the fastest growing industry worldwide and a fantastic exposure to role models and advice from these women. But what struck me most was that these 30-74 year old women were miles ahead of me; on paper a ready to go, 'finger on the pulse', 21 year old Media Graduate. "You'll find me on Twitter" - the resounding sign off after each presentation.
How do I find you on Twitter if i'm not on there myself? So, onto Twitter I went, adding them all one after the other; Guardian Directors of Digital Content (Emily Bell), Film Company Birds Eye View's Creative Director's (Rachel Millward), etc, etc. I hope that by having that tenuous link with these women I will better learn the ways of the professional media world and how, not just to keep up with social media, but how it is best utilised.
My main question right now though is whether Twitter is geared towards the professional or the personal? Because if the wonderful answer is both, then where the hell has the line gone?
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