Courtesy of myzoetrope.com, which is kind of odd, but the dock image reminds me of where I went to University.
1. I am...well, inarticulate, forgetful, generally speechless...but, INCREASINGLY! That's the word!! Increasingly concerning myself (blog) with uninteresting and dry subject matter (even after seeing this), which doesn't give me much hope for the state of my brain.
2. This means I am disregarding the importance, and purpose, of my very first post, being that one must talk little and listen much thus trying to encourage myself only to write about things that are worth committing to paper that I have heard, seen, read somewhere else.
3. Being perfectly in situ to chip into being a publishable story from my depths makes me wonder if I shouldn't just do it. Except of course as soon as I get any inspiration I return to spill it all out only for it to stop. It is as if a thick steel guillotine has come down, beheading my baby thus executing any chance of me being able to nurture it into its beautiful, healthy, fully grown form.
Yodas' "there is no try, only do" mocks me as I sit here moaning into a blog to escape an unfinished sentence on Word. I am physically shaking, inside and one hand, my left one. I realised I was gritting my teeth too. It's pathetic really. I thought taking my dog for a walk earlier would revive me but it's sort of scared the life out of me! What do you do with that...
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