Friday 25 March 2011

"I don't wanna waste my time"

Sometimes ...when I know it's sunny outside but can't see it from my office I feel like I work here:
I can't actually see the sky

An accidental Lovefilm subscription & their employees wiles for sabotaging any cancellation plans I originally had means I've recently watched -Brazil (see pic), Big Lebowski (I've had a rough night. And I fucking hate the eagles, man.), Despicable Me, Heartbreaker (practising my French mainly by lip-syncing), Royal Tenenbaums (then downloaded the soundtrack), Anchor Man (like a humorous comfort blanket), Shutter Island (unsettling).

News in! Count 'em THREE of my closest friends have left me for pastures exotic & new (4 if you count the one in Tignes, chasing after children in the snow - she's a nanny...) which makes me yearn to travel but also excited at the knowledge that I'll be on the Dalmatian coast in FOUR months time!

Most pressing dilemma... where to go/what to do in order to adequately & appropriately celebrate the official beginning of British Summertime this weekend.

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