Double page spread [oh yes, that's poster size] of SPACE(!) in today's Independent courtesy of two Antennae Galaxies colliding, captured by a telescope from the not even complete yet Alma conservatory.
Being still in the midst of a sparkle obsession I've got the yearns for some glittery shoes so may have to splurge on a serious seasonal investment.
Fur and The Waterproof Bible came in the post today.
I am really looking forward to Andrew Kaufman's follow up to his unusual and affecting début All My Friends Are Superheroes* and hope it cements my fondness for his style of storytelling. Fur, I watched in full this evening, after binging on parts on youtube and it hit me particularly harder even though I knew what was coming. A really beautiful film and I am so glad it's now mine to own rather than post back to lovefilm, which has just sent me Gainsbourg, that I'll be watching tomorrow after a mid-week dinner date. Spoilt.

Currently listening to the happily Prince-esque tones of Blood Orange a.k.a Devonté Hynes (ex-pat, ex-Test Icicle, ex-Lightspeed Champion) in the form of the DJ Exotica Sage Presents : Blood Orange Home Recordings Mixtape, the Terrible Records Mixtape, and leaks of his forthcoming Coastal Grooves EP. There's a quiet rawness to all of it that leaves you wanting more but similarly accepting Hynes' obvious comfort zone. It's a lot more relaxed than the raucous punk of the Icicles and easier listening than Lightspeed but leaves you wondering if he intends to develop this style further. Because it sounds goooood.
Will be snoozing to the owl sounds from outside my window tonight. Lovely.
*one of mine & some of his
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