Monday 24 May 2010

Sometimes I am appalled at my own stupidity

Previously I have wondered how I escaped various childhood traumas and incidents, namely the cutting a chunk of your siblings hair out in an attempt to uncover your future vocation. Parents are invariably horrified and the scene is quickly moved to a professional salon in which the escapade is rectified with a hearty supply of good humour and no harm done.

It seems only now I am of an age perhaps not too far off children of my own, that I am making up for those ingenuous and feather brained misadventures.

I just cut a chunk of my 15-year-old brothers' hair out. With a hair clipper. Without the guides on.

I figured, men cut their own hair with these things - how hard can it be - and thus displayed my own shocking inability to do even the simplest of tasks. Also laying to rest the idea that I could possibly take after my mother, who has been a talented cutter and colourer since she was 16. As I have said on more than one occasion when asked if I can cut hair; "Well, my Mum's a hairdresser..." I know now to firmly reply in the negative and walk quickly away.

While my little brother now sits happily slurping on an ice lolly watching my other brother (who worriedly informed me that our mother would "kill me" when she gets home) play Red Dead Redemption, seemingly unconcerned that his vivid white scalp is now plainly visible and liable to burning in this sudden heatwave, I've got the shakes.

Salvaged ~ sort of

I'm way past the point of claiming not to know any better, I wasn't playing hairdressers, nor am I drunk, not yet at least. I will claim I was trying to help, which I suppose I was, and that he's a boy and can get away with it, and that it is no worse than what the evil woman in Deadlock & Barnett did to the back of my head three years ago, and obviously, it's the back of his head so it hardly matters anyway, aaand his hair grows ridiculously quickly anyway so it'll all be forgotten in a couple of weeks. But I really really worry about myself sometimes. I really do.

For handy ideas and advice on things from DIY hair cuts to Bog Snorkelling Championships please see The Internet, somebody who knows what they're talking about, or a professional. In short - not me.

1 comment:

  1. Haha oh rachael you are a genius, poor poor little Harry! Xxx
