Sunday 30 May 2010

Fashion Festival Frenzy

Asos, the online fashion store, has just sent me June's edition of their monthly mag-cum-catalogue. Boasting a £1.75 price tag for non-regular customers - for whom it is free, and they apparently class me - for the first time in my knowledge, my expectations were high. I mean, as well as providing an outlet for designer labels they've got Emma Watson for People Tree on board.

I have spent the hours since receiving this scrap of a magazine flicking pages with equal derisiveness and gleeful ripping - cut out and keep, recycle the rest, that's the spirit. It got me thinking (as though I needed a prompt) of festivals; their etiquette, essentials, and imminence. As Asos itself had noted, June is just around the corner. Plus the cover has FESTIVAL scrawled across it in computer-lipstick. So, obviously, I was getting comfortable for some original festival-guru top 10's, photo montages, at least a candid of Kate Moss.

Alas it seems Asos is geared a little more for peoples across the pond. Mimicking most high-end fashion bibles it hails outfits that are entirely inappropriate and ugly. And to title an article 'Camping Chic' is frankly an insult to our(collective) intelligence. Anyone who has called a tent their home for more than 3 days in a row knows it cannot be glamorised. Even +chic.

Soooo, I am battling between utilising Glastonbury (Bestival is instantly disqualified from the fashion stakes because I shall most likely be wearing Unicorn) as a largely anonymous platform from which to launch my fashion conscious alter-ego, or, forgoing any new/loved clothing for simply last years wellies, bin bags, and, if I'm lucky, a poncho (never know, birthday's coming up). Because you get grubby at Glastonbury, tents get damp, it rains, there is dirt everywhere (remember where you ARE), the clothes you are wearing will probably touch poo where it's caked on toilet "seats"and on cubicle "walls" (words used figuratively), where you're sitting is 90% of the year home to sets in pretty quick. But you know this, hopefully. You're going because it's so good you don't care.

And it really is that good.

So why not dress a la Ms Moss? Glastonbury style has a history of being featured in publications from Look to Vogue, make a statement, have a festival wardrobe, no one and everyone cares. Considering this I have a tip and general festival essentials, including wardrobe suggestions...

Tip: Take a maximum of 3 tops, keep one fresh and dry for the journey home on Sunday/Monday, trust me you won't want any more.

  • Dry Shampoo (NASA or Batiste) OR phone your hairdresser and get a crop a day or two before you leave for your festival and ask them for heavy styling - it'll last a week without help!
  • The wet stuff - Bin Bags, waterproof or poncho although you can pick up one for a pound at the site, Wellies.
  • Wet wipes, razor, deodorant, toothpaste & brush.
  • Communications - You could limit your phone useage and keep your fingers crossed, get walkie-talkies, or invest in a portable charger/spare battery.
  • Jumping on the Bum Bag bandwagon this year - less cumbersome & encourage more upper body this bag should be; toilet roll, hand sanitiser, disposable camera, money (you can't live off breadsticks. I tried. They mutate from stick to dust between the entrance and the camp site.), lighter. The first four are ESSENTIALS. I cannot stress that enough.
  • Cider - as many plastic litre bottles of it as you can carry, and a cool bag to keep them in your tent in if you're extra prepared.
  • Sun cream - put this on before you leave your tent, saves carrying it around and you're protected just in case.
And for the essential wear (imagine for a moment I moonlight as a sinister writer of advertorials...)
  • Face - Sunnies.
  • Neck - festival pass lanyard and some lengthy bling.
  • Top - This layered over this.
  • Leggings (H&M do a great pair with zips in light blue or grey jegging-style) and/or denim shorts of your choice.
  • Feets - see above for aforementioned necessary wellies, but keep a pair of favoured flip-flops or gladiator sandals to hand, the sun can turn a mud pit to hardened terrain like you wouldn't believe.

That is my Glastonbury guide, from essentials to an outfit akin to what I would wear, have worn, and will wear in a few weeks time to the best festival around. Come sleet or shine I intend to enjoy every minute. Kuurch. Meet you in Avalon. Over and out.

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